精實的研究團隊於實驗室主持人張家榮博士與吳佩穎博士的帶領下,作為瑞寶基因製造優良疫苗產品的強力後盾, 使瑞寶基因成為臺灣少數兼具疫苗生產能力與研發實力的動物疫苗公司。團隊成員擁有生物技術、動物科學、獸醫等相關科系碩士學位,並具多年生物科技領域工作經驗,累積充沛研究能量,研發實力日漸雄厚。
1.Taehwan Oh, Hanjin Kim, Kee Hwan Park, Jiwoon Jeong, Siyeon Yang, Ikjae Kang, Su-Jin Park, and Chanhee Chae. 2019. A comparative study of the efficacy of a porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome subunit and a modified-live virus vaccine against respiratory diseases in endemic farms. Can J Vet Res. 83(2): 110–121
2.Taehwan Oh, Hanjin Kim, Kee Hwan Park, Jiwoon Jeong, Ikjae Kang, Siyeon Yang, Chanhee Chae. 2019. Effectiveness of a commercial porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) subunit vaccine against heterologous PRRSV-1 and PRRSV-2 challenge in late-term pregnant gilts. Can J Vet Res. 83(4): 248–254.
3. Jiwoon Jeong , Seeun Kim , Changhoon Park , Ikjae Kang , Kee Hwan Park , Hee Jin Ham , Chanhee Chae. 2018 Effect of Vaccination With a Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Subunit Vaccine on Sow Reproductive Performance in Endemic Farms. Vet Rec. 26;182(21):602
4. Do Tien Duy, Hanjin Kim, Jiwoon Jeong, Kee Hwan Park, Siyeon Yang, Taehwan Oh, Seeun Kim, Ikjae Kang, and Chanhee Chae. 2018. Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of commercial and prototype PRRS subunit vaccines against an HP-PRRSV challenge. J Vet Med Sci. 80(9): 1463–1467.
5. Jiwoon Jeong, Changhoon Park, Kyuhyung Choi, and Chanhee Chae. 2017. Can J Vet Res. Evaluation of the new commercial recombinant chimeric subunit vaccine PRRSFREE in challenge with heterologous types 1 and 2 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. Can J Vet Res. 81(1): 12–21.